Happy National Heart Month & National Wear Red Day 2023
This month is all about heart health, and today is about raising awareness about heart disease in women
Heart disease is still the #1 killer in women
Heart disease took 1:5 women in 2020
1:16 women 20+ years have coronary heart disease (1)
You are 2x's more likely to develop heart disease if you went through menopause early (2)
Your risk of developing coronary heart disease later in life is also increased if you suffered from preeclampsia during pregnancy (3)
Symptoms of a heart attack (4):
Chest pain or discomfort
Upper body pain, including shoulders, arms, back, neck, teeth or jaw
Somach pain or heartburn
Shortness of breath
Lightheadedness, Sweating, and/or nausea or vomiting
Heart palpitations
Women may not have many, or any typical symptoms of a heart attack, so it is important to make sure you have regular visits to your doctor annually for a well-check.
This month I will be talking about HEALTHY HABITS that can help lower your risk factors, so check back in or better yet- subscribe to my blog to receive emails when I post!